Monday, 7 January 2013

The Kunming Statement

Happy New Year!

January 2013 is when writing, editing and compiling chapters for the Ecological Health: Society, Ecology and Health text lights up. From now until the end of April 2013 we will bring this text to fruition.

Reflecting on how to make writing projects meaningful to ourselves and our world, meaningful in the sense that writing can also be part of a change making process, I thought I would share with you the Kunming Statement.

In October 2012, the International Association for Ecology and Health developed a statement which encourages scholars, educators, practitioners, community members and many others to not only cultivate theoretical, methodological and practical insights into the links between society, ecology and health but to also work concretely to improve the health and well being of people, animals and ecosystems in specific places, spaces and times. This statement focuses on contributions to re-articulating and helping to achieve the Millennium Development Goals but it also models a more general commitment to translating great insights into thoughtful action.

Please go here to view the The Kunming Statement or alternatively visit the EcoHealth-Live website at and click on The Kunming Statement link.

Thank you for being part of this project and for moving forward insights into, and conversations about, the links between ecology, society and health!

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