Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Reading List for EcoHealth

Recently, I invited colleagues involved in studying, teaching and researching in the field of EcoHealth to send me the work they are using these days when thinking about the newly emerging field of Ecological Health and when engaging in field building activities at a meta-contextual level. In that the window was short for sending me favorite reads this list is impartial and I warmly invite people to send other suggestions and to comment on ones already listed. There is a comments box at the end of the post or send me an email at ecologicalmedsoc@gmail.com.

I have specifically compiled this list for the reference of the authors of  Ecological Health: Society, Ecology and Health as I would like to ensure that we have a collective set of references to address when framing our thinking about ecology and health and developing our social theoretical engagements with the overarching notion that health is produced in the nexus between human, animal and ecological well being.

       Health in a nested set of ecosystems 

from: http://www.copeh-canada.org/upload/files/en/english%20ecohealth%20teaching%20manual%20-%20copeh-canada.pdf 
Correspondingly, to be considered an 'ecological health' piece of work - whether theoretical or practical - it is expected to seek to engage with health issues as they pertain not only to humans but also to the animals and ecosystems implicated in the larger systems and contexts informing the issues being addressed.

Ecological Health Reading List

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